Sports Programs
Pickleball at the WI Park Richards Landing
Our vision is to facilitate the growth of Pickleball in the Township of Richards Landing while providing a fun and safe environment that encourages all participants to reach their full potential.
Mission Statement
- Grow, manage and promote the game of pickleball
- Provide a fun and safe environment
- Promote a socially inclusive healthy lifestyle for our members
- Be an active participant in the Township of St. Joseph community
- Display respect and tolerance towards others
- Encourage all to participate and to contribute to the club
4 renewed courts are available for play anytime during the open season (8am-8pm only), but scheduling your play period is reccomended for the dates below.
Scheduled Play
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Saturday, Sunday - 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Open play on all courts after 12 noon
Schedule Time to Play Using - (location type in “North Shore)
Watch for Richards Landing Pickleball on “St. Joseph Island Community page on Facebook”
T-Ball and Softball
This volunteer run program is for youth age 4-18. The program runs from Mid May to the end of June. Skills practices and games against neighbouring municipalities make this a great recreational program for all youth. A great way to learn the game, meet new people and have some fun!
Register here for 2025 :T-Ball and Baseball Registration
This Volunteer run program is for youth ages 3-18. The program runs two nights a week from Late June to the end of July. Skills practices and drills help develop a love of the game and an understanding of the rules. Games against neighbouring municipalities either at home or in their communities make it a fun program for youth.
Register here for 2025: Soccer Registration 2025
Volunteers are needed for Coaching, Coaching Assistants, Umpires and Referees. If you would like to help please reach out to community@