Water and Sewer Services
Water & Sewer
The Township of St Joseph is on a flat rate water & sewer billing system.
All properties are billed on a quarterly basis as follows:
January 1st to March 31st – Due the last business day of March
April 1st to June 30th – Due the last business day of June
July 1st to September 30th – Due the last business day of September
October 1st to December 31st – Due the last business day of December
Water & Sewer Payment Options
The Township of St Joseph has many options for paying your bill:
In person
Drop Box (located at front door of administrative building)
Post-Dated Cheques
Telephone and Internet Banking through most Canadian financial institutions. Search the Township of St. Joseph WATER and set us up as a payee with your account number
Contact Information
P.U.C. Shift Operator (705)759-6520
The community of Richards Landing is serviced with modern water and sewer facilities which were constructed in the early 1990s. The domestic water supply serving the connected residents of Richards Landing is sourced from drilled wells located adjacent to the water plant/pump-house at the corner of on Llewellyn Street and Richards Street (Hwy. 548) in Richards Landing. Approximately 160 homes, businesses and institutional uses are provided with a safe drinking water supply from this facility. The system includes disinfection facilities (sodium hypochlorite and ultraviolet), a 750,000 litre in ground storage reservoir, and high lift and fire pumps that discharge to the distribution system. Pressure tanks are provided to maintain distribution system pressure and a diesel generator set is located on site to provide emergency power. The system is monitored regularly by qualified staff to ensure a consistently safe drinking water supply. The sewage treatment plant is situated at the east side of the community on Marguerite Street and forms part of the sewage collection and treatment system which includes the underground sewer collection system and a sewage pumping station located on Russell Street. The sewage flows by gravity to the sewage pumping station from where it is pumped to the sewage treatment plant. The sewage pumping station is designed for a 20 year peak flow and is supplied with emergency power from the generator located at the water plant. The sewage treatment plan is a modern rotating biological contactor RBC design followed by a secondary clarification system. The disinfected effluent is then discharged by gravity via a sewage outfall line to a diffuser located 450m offshore which is designed to dilute and disperse the effluent away from the shore to protect downstream domestic and recreational users.
The aesthetic objective for sodium in drinking water is 200 mg/L at which it can be detected by a salty taste. Sodium is not toxic. Consumption of sodium in excess of 10 grams per day by normal adults does not result in any apparent adverse health effects. In addition, the average intake of sodium from water is only a small fraction of that consumed in a normal diet. A maximum acceptable concentration for sodium in drinking water has, therefore, not been specified. Persons suffering from hypertension or congestive heart disease may require a sodium-restricted diet, in which case, the intake of sodium from drinking water could become significant and your doctor should be consulted. Sodium levels in the Richards Landing water supply consistently exceed 40 mg/L. Softening using a domestic water softener increases the sodium level in drinking water and may contribute a significant percentage to the daily sodium intake for a consumer on a sodium-restricted diet. It is recommended that a separate unsoftened supply be retained for cooking and drinking purposes.