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Island Cemeteries

There are a number of cemeteries on St. Joseph Island, the Township of St. Joseph provides a non-denominational cemetery located on 10th Side Road, between the ‘D’ Line and the ‘F & G’ Line. It serves all the Churches within the township and throughout St. Joseph Island. The earliest known burials began in 1887 and it is still active.  

10th side rd cemetery


Current Grave Lot Pricing 2023
Single Grave $580 + HST Residents
  $680 + HST Non-Residents

 Please contact the municipal office for information on purchasing plots or information on burials.

BAO License # CM-00038 License Class: Cemetery Operator

Cemetery price list and FAQ's

BAO Consumer Information Guide

Cemetery Bylaw 2022 BAO Approved



Other Cemeteries On St. Joseph Island


  • Holy Trinity Anglican Cemetery is located on the north side of Hwy. 548 (Hilton Rd.) between the Huron Line and ‘A’ Line.   The cemetery is located in the churchyard of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church.  The first burials were about 1886.  It is still an active cemetery.
  • Tenby Bay Cemetery is located on the west side of the 5th Side Road, between the 2nd and 4th Concession.  It was originally affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, but is now non-denominational, and the Twp. of Jocelyn overseas the care and maintenance of the Cemetery.  The first known burial was in 1886.  It is still an active cemetery.
  • Maple Mountain Grove Cemetery is located on the ‘P’ Line.  The church was built in 1880 as a Methodist church.  The cemetery is now non-denominational and maintained by a group of local residents.  It is still an active cemetery.


  • Grace United Cemetery is located on Hilton Rd. in Hilton Twp., just west of the intersection of Base Line and Hwy. 548.  Originally the church was located there also, but later moved down in to Hilton Village.  Originally named the Hilton Beach United Church, the name was changed to Grace United Church in 1956 following the death of a faithful parishioner, Miss Grace Steinburg.  The first burial took place in December of 1881.  It is still an active cemetery.   St. John’s Anglican Cemetery is located on Hwy. 548 (Cedar St.), Lot B, Conc. 16 of Hilton Twp.  The church originally sat in the churchyard, was moved down to Hilton Village in the 1920’s, and returned to it original setting in 2002.  The earliest burials took place in 1882.  It is still an active cemetery.



What is a cemetery lot?

A cemetery lot is a single grave. A cemetery lot is 4’6” x 9’. They are arranged in rows, back to back with 8’ wide walkways. A plot is deeded to an owner prior to death, or a person who wishes to purchase for someone who is deceased.

How do I choose my lot?

There are a number of available spaces. The map of deeded and available plot locations can be accessed at the Township office. If physical location is important to you, we recommend a site visit to be sure the plot location you choose is suitable before purchasing.

How much does a lot cost?

Lots are $580 for residents to purchase, $680 for non residents. HST is charged on the fee. They can be purchased by cash or cheque in the Municipal office.

Does the person who holds the deed have to be buried in that lot?

No, any person with permission from the deedholder can be buried in a deeded lot. Immediate family may be buried if the deedholder has already passed.

How many full casket burials and cremated remains can be buried in one lot?

Up to one full casket burial and 6 cremated remains can be buried in one lot.

After a lot is purchased, how do I arrange a burial, placement of markers/headstones, and find out about the rules regarding decorations/planted flowers/trees etc.?

Our cemetery Caretaker can walk you through the process and arrange burials with you. Please call Bruce Ibbitson at 705-255-1786

What are the Rules about Headstones?

For a multi burial in one lot, raised monuments beside the main plot monument are not permitted, flat stones only. Raised monuments must be a minimum of 5” in thickness at it’s narrowest point and shall not exceed 44” in height.

When can Burials take place?

The season is Mid May to November 1, but may be extended slightly with the approval of the Cemetery Caretaker subject to conditions.

Are there any additional maintenance fees that apply after I purchase my deed?

No, a portion of your deed is dedicated to perpetual care. There are no other future maintenance fees. The Caretaker maintains grade level and grass care and levelness of headstones. Cleaning and general maintenance of headstones is the family’s responsibility. No water is available, so the planting of flowers is not suggested.